If you are looking for different glass works from other stores. This is your answer. Our glass works are designed and painted by "" . We don't get them from wholesale or china factories. We quarantee materials of product that is certified by OTOP of Thailand. We do not wholesale them. If you buy our glass works, you will have confidence that they will not be the same as the other stores. You will get the unique painting glass works created by our infinite imagination. Hope you enjoy shopping in our store and getting new ideas to decorate the house from the glass works'products and you will also have a nice gift for someone you love. Chameleon creators made with glass blowing technique by "" who family Thai artisan. Each piece is individually made. One by one. Each one has their own uniqueness. And might be slightly different. Due to the process and the individuals artist. The blown glass made with 2 techniques > Color Glass W/ Glass Painted from specials spot color. The dimension of the blown glass is 1 1/8" x 3 1/4" x 1 3/4" (Wide x Long x High) This can be a perfect gifts for loved ones, at various occasion ie. birthday, greetings, souvenirs etc. You could never go wrong with this handmade gifts. The package is securely wrap with bubble and filled with newspaper. So you can be ensure that your blown glass animal will reach you in perfect condition.